2022 International Symposium on New Trends in Computational Intelligence

Symposium Notice


                   2022 International Symposium on New Trends in Computational Intelligence, sponsored by the China University of Petroleum (East China), and BTOF Tech (Qingdao) Co., Ltd., China, will be held in Qingdao, China during December 15-172022.

        In recent years, due to the tremendous success of artificial intelligence (AI) in different areas, AI and its related areas have become hot topics of research to both academia and industry. One of major / successful tools of today's AI is deep neural network, and neural network is one of the main pillars of Computational Intelligence (CI). The other two main pillars of CI, Fuzzy Systems and Evolutionary computing, also play important roles in modern AI in terms of adding explainability and optimizing AI systems, respectively. Hence, this symposium on new trends in CI is very timely, even though CI has been extremely successful in numerous and diverse areas.

        The objective of this symposium is to bring top researchers and practitioners working in different facets of CI under one umbrella to share their knowledge and enable mutual exchange of information. This will also help promoting research in CI and its interdisciplinary frontiers, deliberation on recent research trends, and strengthen academic exchanges. This will provide a communication platform for researchers, experts, and scholars in the field of CI to communicate the latest progresses.

        This is the third edition of the Symposium. The previous two editions were also very successful which were graced by many distinguished speakers including Profs. Jun Wang, Hisao Ishibuchi, Haibo He, Chin-Teng Lin, and Tan Kay Chen. We hope that this edition also will be equally successful. As a result of interactions during the symposium, we expect that future directions of research in CI will emerge and help the young researchers.  


Free online participation: Teams

bilibili live room number: 23934166

Teachers and students are welcome to scan the QR code below to watch the live broadcast of the conference:

CopyRight:China University of Petroleum
Address : No. 66 , West Changjiang Road , Huangdao District , Qingdao , China , 266580
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